JG-4(Corresponding badge for over 14Yrs 6 months – SG-4 Poultryman, SG-5 Dairyman)
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JG-4(Corresponding badge for over 14Yrs 6 months – SG-4 Poultryman, SG-5 Dairyman)
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Objective :- Explain basic knowledge on small holdings
A Scout may attempt any one of the following
Rear at least 6 poultry for one year and know what food to give them
Show a knowledge of the treatment of common diseases. 19
Know to recognize the sick birds
Manage grass and earth runs .Know about deep litter runs
Show a knowledge in the treatment of broody hens
Understand the running of an incubator
Know how to feed and rear young birds
Name four breeds .
Demonstrate hive management and the handling of bees
Be able to recognize lava, good and foul broods, and sealed honey and know at least one method of preventing a swarm
Be able to take a swarm and know the principals of artificial feeding
Recognise the Queen, the worker and drones and know the life cycle.
Produce a sample of honey from his own hive and discuss the importance of its production and factors that affect it.
Set up and keep an aquarium containing a proper balance of fresh water fish and plant life.( a minimum of three different kinds of fish to be kept)
Be able to recognize at least 5 species of popular breeds of fish and be acquainted with their habitat
Know the right type of food for the fish that he is rearing and know the proper quantities and the frequency of food.
Discuss with the examiner the maintenance of the aquarium during the year with particular reference to the results obtained