Messenger of Peace
SA-12 (Corresponding badge for over 14 1/2 none)
Last updated
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SA-12 (Corresponding badge for over 14 1/2 none)
Last updated
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Objective: - Demonstrate action taken by him to create peace by helping others, and making others happy
You could start the work for this, only after completing the Good Habits 1, 2, and 3 in the Awards scheme .
Please follow the 3 steps as given below. The examiner for this would be the ADC Programme of the District.
Locating the web site and entering data : Go to web site in the internet. For this you may ask for the help of your parents, Scout Master, the A.D.C.(Prog.) of your District or any other person who knows about the internet. Now you must register here giving your e mail address.
Carry out a service project : This should have a minimum of 5 man hours. Please seek the help and advice of your Scout Master about doing this project
Enter details about your project and photographs in the internet : Now enter (Upload) a brief description about your project, with a photograph or two in the web site under your name. Please remember to enter the number of Man hours that you worked in the correct place. Also enter in the world map shown there, where you did this project in Sri Lanka
Mr. Nazeef Farook
97/71 A,Samagi Mawatha, Weleywatta, Wellampitiya
Mr. Amithan Karmegan
Mr. Miral Priyanga
Mr. Damian Silva
National Head Quarters (by prior appointment)
Mr. Suren Wikkramatilleke
15/16, Railway Avenue, Nugegoda