Play Actor
SF-3(Corresponding badge for under 14Yrs 6 months – JF-3- Actor)
Objective: - Demonstrate the knowledge and skill in Drama and specifically the Scout’s skill in acting
Have taken part in a full length drama or one act play before public, school or Scout audience and have attained a reasonably good standard in acting OR have acted an important part in a school or Scout stage performance (which may include Gang shows)
Recite to the satisfaction of the examiner, from memory, with full dramatic effects, a passage of not less than 20 lines (about150 words) taken from a standard dramatic work.
Have read at least 2 Standard dramas written by eminent .dramatists and be able to convince the examiner that he has understood them.
Have witnessed at least 3 full length dramatic performances since reaching the age of 14 ½ and be able to discuss with the examiner their merits and demerits.
Understand and be able to draw and explain the plan of a modern stage and show the examiner that he is acquainted with modern lighting devices and make up effects for the actors on the stage. He should also be aware of the need for strict silence and discipline of actors off stage as well.
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