Senior Athlete
SD-1(Corresponding badge for under 14Yrs 6 months – JD-1-Athlete)
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SD-1(Corresponding badge for under 14Yrs 6 months – JD-1-Athlete)
Last updated
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Objective: - Demonstrate the physical fitness and skill in different forms of athletics
Under 16 Years
Over 16 Years
(1) a. Running
100 meters
13.8 secs
13 secs
200 meters
28 secs
27 secs
400 meters
66 secs
65 secs
800 meters
2 mins 4 secs
2 mins 3 secs
1500 meters
5 mins 40 secs
5 mins 30 secs
b. Walking
5000 meters
40 mins
35 mins
(2) Jumping
Long Jump
5.3 meters
5.5 meters
High Jump
1.3 meters
1.6 meters
Pole Vault
2.5 meters
2.8 meters
(3) Throwing
5Kg - 8 meters
5Kg - 9 meters
1.1 Kg - 31.6 meters
1.5 Kg - 35 meters
33 meters
35 meters
4 Kg - 23.6 meters
6Kg - 35 meters
Cricket Ball
56 meters
60 meters
(4) Physical Efficiency
a. Stamina
Skipping, Running
b. Strength
Press ups, Pull ups
c. Skills
Dribbling football,
Dribbling Basket ball,
Basket ball shooting,
3 Drills
d. Speed
Shuttle relay,
Speed skipping
e. Spring
Upward Spring,
Standing board jump,
Standing hop-step jump,
Standing high jump